Saturday, October 31, 2009


Ok, I'm really confused, my doctor said that i have anorexia and I'm not skinny. Yes, I have been starving myself and I'm going to see a lot of different doctors. but can anyone tell me about this? I'm scared and confused.
You don't THINK your skinny...and it's the anorexia that is distorting your body image...others may find you to be quite thin...but to yourself in the don't see it...
That is classic anorexic...
PLEASE get help for this order.I hope and pray you will not need "in-patient" treatment and can be helped with your Dr and therapy...
You can't change what you don't acknowledge...admitting it is half the, go win the war!!
ok if your starving yourself then yes thats anerexia and it doesnt matter if your skinny or obese... if you want to be skinny eat healthy foods and exercise trust me
anorexia is very bad for you because this can cause you to not gain weight when you eat or that you can be very sick every time you eat or can hold food in your stomach
You don't have to be skinny to have anorexia nervosa, it's the eating disorder that you have which then makes you lose weight and it can affect your body very badly as well. Good luck !
Well i guess it can be anerxoic. But sometimes it can be bulimia to. I always thought they diagnosed aneroxics if there 20 pounds under wieght. Well try to go to some therepists and support groups etc. Just try to eat.
well look anorexia i don't know much about but i have a promable that when i eat evrything comes up and use to i would still my finger down my throat and make myself sick but now i eat right and go to the gym and when i can't go to the gym i go walking in the park or something like that four atleast 30mins. a day.
yes, could be bulimia too. bulimics starve themselves as well, and binge and purge in various ways. you're scared of what the doctor says or the fact that you're starving yourself because that's scarier.
Yes...starving yourself is anorexia, no matter wether you're thin or obese. It's a bad thing to have because if not treated, the lack of food could cause anemia, fainting, osteoporosis, hair falling out, periods stopping, infertility, kidney failure, heart failure, constipation and more.
Not trying to scare you but just giving you some info on the effects.
Good Luck with hopefully a good recovery : )

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