Sunday, October 25, 2009

Am i gonna die!?

i have severe pain when i eat and swallow. i have bumps on my tonsils and they arent white. what will help the pain? what if i dont treat it? will i die? will i puke?
Don't think about dyinggo immediately to a doctor to get helpI hope what you have is not serious
God bless
Oh, good grief. You have an infection. Go to the doctor and get an antibiotic. No fuss, no muss. Don't get it treated, and the infection WILL spread.
go to the doctor...
go to the doctor at once before it worsens... go! go! go! before it's too late!! Go! go! go!!!
Do what "bmac" says and stop posting your questions multiple times. I've seen you here before asking these questions over and over.
Do you have fever and enlarged lymph glands in the neck? You probably have strep throat. See the doctor for a penicillin group antibiotic. Meanwhile, take a pain killer and gargle with salt water. If you don't take an antibiotic, you will continue to be sick and toxic.

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