Sunday, October 25, 2009

Analgesics for Fibromyalgia?

Take 40-80 mg codeine combined with 2 aspirins daily in the winter months. Do you think taking Synap Forte every second week will prevent withdrawal. Both is an opiod, so I do not really know.
I'm not to sure what you mean by withdrawl? I would be more worried about the flare ups that come with the pain than withdrawl symptoms. I currenlty take 500mg of Loritab about 1 a day along with extra reg medicines of tylenal and ibeprofins. (sorry I mispelled those) The best thing is to ask your doctor or pharmacist. Yes, they are mostly in it for the money these days, but they will know the information. Or look directly on the manufacturer's sites. They should provide that information, or at least allow you a way to ask them questions. Good Luck!!
I take Dyhidrocodiene with Paracetamol but just at night. I used to take them 2 four times a day but have managed to cut right down over time. If you only take them in the winter months you shouldn't experience withdrawal from them.

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