Sunday, October 25, 2009

Am i cursed? eye problems?

i have one problem after another i develop these chalazion eye infections all the time, once one heals soon later another develops. 2 got so bad i needed surgery, and the one surgery messed up my eye causing it too droop permanently. i ended up getting surgery done to correct the droopyiness but the doctor ends up raising it to high causing excess skin to droop over it. once again leaving me in distress i feel like im in the twighlight zone. does god hate me? i have surgery to correct the skin drooping over eye problem, only to give me eyelid spasms which wont go away and a worse overall look. WTF did i do wrong to deserve such horrific circumstances. by the way i got a chalazion after one of the surgeries prolonging healing. Am i cursed?
You seem to have had a run of unusual bad luck mate. This will pass, just you wait. When everything is OK you'll wonder why you were so angry and bitter. I know its difficult when you think the whole World is against you, and God hates you, but mark my words kiddo this will pass and you can live your normal life again. Easy to say but its your life. You've gotta fight old fruit,I bet you come out smiling the other side.
Remember...things can only get better.
You are not sodding cursed, no one is, its a myth.
Your hoppo from over the pond

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