Sunday, October 25, 2009

Am I being too cautious?

Is it safe to eat after my friend?What should I tell her if its not?
My friend does everything with any guy from top to bottom and everytime I have food or drink she asks to have a bite or a sip and I either make up an excuse (ie:"well it's organic food") or I say yes and tell her she can have the rest sometimes it seems like she knows I prefer not to eat after her and she just does it to annoy me but I can't say that I'm sure about that it seems like she does it so she can have full access to the entirety of my meal lol it's so deceitful of her.
I agree with all the above. If she wants to share your food, just cut or break off a piece and let her have that. Or pour her some of whatever you're drinking into another cup. In these times of highly contagious bugs, you're much better off being safe than sorry.
You might be but she sounds like a Whore I wouldnt want your mouth and hers to be near the same anything.
good for you. oral herpes can be transmitted by saliva as well as mono... You can either tell her why you don't want to share your stuff with her or just not eat or drink around her.
well duno if u can catch anything. but yea.. imagine all da places her mouth has been... i understand y u would act like dat.. i would too!!! LOL next time u go out for dinner... just put some in your mouth and let it "accidently" fall back onto da plate.. lol dat might stop her from askin!! HAHA
well...for is totally within your rights to say "no" to a friend if something makes you uncomfortable.
politely explain to her that you don't like ANYONE eating or drinking what you are currently muching on...and ask that she respects that.
that said, you can get herpes virus if she has an outbreak (coldsore) on the outside or inside of her mouth when you share something.
other than that, mono, colds and flu you aren't at risk for much else by just brief sharing. but remember that herpes is a very common virus...and there is no cure for it!but like i said...if you get grossed attention to that instinct. there is a reason you feel queasy about the idea of swapping spit with her. and i'd rather err on the side of caution.
Honoesty is the best policy!
in the midst of conversation of any type, begin to talk about the health hazards of today referring to many items carrying various types of bacteria etc ..
state that that is why you do not wish to partake of another persons' food or share any of your own .
if continues to ask, simply state that you are being cautious and will no longer share have to wonder about the class of a person asking for bites or drinks of another persons' stuff anyway - gross!
It is possible to catch something from sharing food or drinks with others. Maybe the best plan is telling her the truth. If said in a teasing voice, accompanied by laughter, she might take it as a joke. But saying, "No way, girl, I know where that mouth has been." might go a long way toward letting her know how you feel.Or, my personal favorite... I tell people I'm a 'germaphobe' It's not entirely untrue, but it lets them know I won't be sharing food or drinks. With anyone.

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