Sunday, October 25, 2009

Anal itch and burning?

I have been having some itching and burning at times around anal opening. Also I was constipated a month ago and at times when I have a bowel movement there is bright red blood on toilet paper. I havent noticed it in the stool. I have hard time at times and have to strain
hemorroids. go to the store and buy cream for that and also try stool softener it will help when you are constipated... try to stay away from bananas because they harden your stool. also use baby wipes to keep the area clean... because it probably has a cut around it that from all the hard straining.
If you found blood you might have a
hemorhoid( its swollen vain near you anus),
It will make it difficult to go. But if you eat more fiber it will cut down the swelling, help you go. As for the iching use preperation H
it works very well
Hemorrhoids. They can be internal or external.

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