Sunday, October 25, 2009

Am I the only adult that?

take childrens multi vitamins? I only eat one a day so dont think I overdosed myself lol
No, I love Flintstones Vitamins...(lol). They come in great flavors and do not taste like the "adult" multivitamins out there that are hard to swallow.
no I take one a day too
They taste disgusting! but hey if it works for you then why not, the adult ones make me nauseous so maybe I will give Flintstones a try too!Thanks
No, I like Flintstones vitamins
lol i actually thought about doing that the other day . I miss flinstones vitamins..but then again i'm a teen so its probaly not as normal for an adult.
You are probably not the only adult, but you are mostly likely amoung the few that do.
Probably not since a lot of people are usually not "the only one" that does something. I don't take vitamins.
You are not getting the sufficient amount if only taking children's vitamins. Why can't you take the real dosage? Chewable are available if you think you can not swallow them.
no i do it to dont worry lol

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