Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Any info on oesophageal adenocarcinoma?

This is a type of cancer affecting the oesophagus (or food pipe) causing difficulty swallowing and possibly blockage.It is a difficult cancer to treat, but if surgery is an option then it can be quite successful in some.Personally, being involved in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, I have had some limited success using this type of approach. although I would never suggest this instead of the conventional treatments offered.I have also set up an online uk cancer support group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uk_cancer_... - do look in and join if you feel it could be helpful - it's very new with only a few members currently, but it was only set up last week.I hope that you find the answers you need. Best Wishes.
Its cancer of the esophagus.
Here's an article all about it at the American Cancer Society:
http://www.cancer.org/downloads/pro/esop...I'm sorry about your diagnosis.
My father had this illness as i didnt know a lot about it at the time i searched on www.netdoctor.co.uk .I also went to my own doctor who told me that it was important to eat fattening food such as chocolate mousse and eggs just to keep your weight up as it causes difficaulty swallowing its worh getting a blender theyre are a number of treatments avalible a stent is useually fiited to help swallowing also chemotherpy and radiotherpy are an option surgery can also be performed but is risky .
Sorry about your illness hope you beat it.

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