Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Any home remedies for sunburn?

aloe vera plant
my best friend growing up was very pale, almost albino looking and had a lot of reactions to creams and such... i used to brew tea and his g/f would rub his burned areas with the tea bags...all i can say is it worked for him!
natural yoghurt takes the sting out!!
a cold bath. and drink lots of water. that will help hydrate your skin.DO NOT USE VINEGAR UNLESS YOU WANT AN EVEN WORSE BURN!!
Aloe vera is good for it.
The best real natural thing that is for sure for me is the aloe gel from the aloe plant (hopefully) in your kitchen. I keep a real live growing aloe (cactus) in my kitchen and when someone touches a pan we reach for a branch off of our "BURN PLANT" as we we call ours. They are cheap at any green house and you break open the green branch and viola! REAL LIVE ALOE GEL.
Good Luck. I'd love to know how it works for you.
Treat Burns using Aloe Vera: The aloe vera plant has been a long-used burn remedy. Aloe vera contains vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc compounds which are all necessary ingredients for healing burns and wounds. Cut the tip of the leaf and apply the gel to the affected burn areas. If you do not have an aloe plant, over the counter aloe vera gel will also work. Treat Burns using Witch Hazel: Take a wet gauze and apply witch hazel, elder flowers, and comfrey firmly around your burns.Treat Burns using Lavendar Oil: By applying lavendar oil to your burns, you can help skin heal and decrease inflammation.Treat Burns using Milk: To alleviate burn pain, soak a cloth in milk and apply to the burns for 15 minutes. Repeat several times throughout the day.Treat Burns using Vitamin C: By eating foods and drinks high in vitamin C, your body will produce needed collagen that will help your burns heal.

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