Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Any Ear, Nose, Throat doctor who can help me?

I can't pin point an exact time this has started happening but i seem to be able to "feel" the hair in my left nostril with each breath i take ( i have a hard time breathing through my mouth and don't want to have to) and it drives me absolutely crazy. It almost feels like lint is caught there.I have tried trimming the hair as best i could, thinking it might help but I can still feel the back and forth movements of the hairs when i breathe.Keep in mind, this is only with my left nostril, not my right. Even when I've blown my nose, and I've irrigated it with a nasal wash, I can still feel it. It is quite bothersome and I get headaches from it. So much so that I have a hard time falling asleep at night. So my question is, is it possible that the shape of my LEFT nasal cavity changed throughtout the years from a lot of nose blowing (allergies), and thus causing me to feel the annoying physical feeling in my nose?Again,it's only the left nostril i'm having this problem with
I had a problem with sores inside my nose and started eating garlic, it most of been a yeast infection or the like because it cleared up quick after that. I would try a mix of water and white vinegar too since it is healing to the skin.I would also go to a naturopath to find out what you are allergic to. I have a primary doctor, he told me when it comes to allergies a naturopath is better at addressing this and he sure is right. One of the things she helps with with is allergies.Diane

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