Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Any non chemical solutions for tick control?

Essential oils will deter those pesky insects. Oils such as lavender, tea tree and lemon are most helpful. If you have a dog, you can help by giving him small amount of garlic in his food - this will give him an undesired taste to ticks, fleas, and mosquitos. I have also used NEEM protective spray and this is very effective and safe. Please see my sources for some online stores you can obtain various flea and tick products. My third source will list some ways you can effectively prevent fleas and ticks without buying expensive products. (note, my third source is advice specifically for dogs)

Any new treatment for thyroid cancer?

What is a Hurthle cell carcinoma? Is thyroidectomy the only option? Would alternative medicine bring any relief, such as acupuncture/herbs?
This web site tells about Hurthle cell carcinoma, it is rare and not always malignant. But seems to be more serious than the most common form of thyroid cancer.http://ww3.komotv.com/global/story.asp?s...I had thyroid cancer, the most common type papilary. It spread to a lymph node, and I actually 2 malignant growths in my thyroid. They did a full thyroidectomy and removed the lymph node.I would not mess with alternative medicine if this is malignant. It could spread to other parts of your body. I think your options are full or partial thyroidectomy, and this needs to be decided with your doctor. There is a chance they could remove just part of your thyroid, this increases the risk that the cancer could come back.

Any new ideas for boils (hydradenitis Superlativa)?

Has any body come across any new ways to deal with boils..besides the heat compresses and the staying away from heat?
Although there are current clinical trials going on and a few that were completed in August 2006 regarding the use of radiotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and enteracept, I think the usual standard treatments of oral antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, washing with hibiclens (available at Walgreens and other drug stores) and other antibacterial soaps, surgery, topical antibiotics, smoking cessation and weightloss are still currently the main treatments available. Obviously, powdering all areas of friction, wearing loose clothing, warm sitz, saltwater, or oatmeal baths, compresses, bagbalm application with a gauze pad, etc. are still in practice. If you look at the enteracept trials (drug used in the treatment of psoriasis), you may feel encouraged. We use topical clindamycin to reduce the inflammation and duration of lesions, but unfortunately, at this time, I don't see any real successful treatments other than etanercept (Enbrel). Currently, lesions are either injected with kenalog, removed with a CO2 laser, or treated orally. Have hope though, with the new clinical trials, I think relief is in sight.

Any natural remedies for hypoglycemia?

Aside from completely changing my diet, etc, any natural remedies that would help with the symptoms? Thanks in advance!
Try these home remedies:Goldenseal: It will bring your blood sugar levels normal by step up the production of insulin in the pancreas.Onion: Onions reduce blood sugar levels for longer periods than insulin, but more slowly.Garlic: Garlic has a significant ability to control blood sugar levels. Garlic has a strong odour so take as a tincture or other supplement.Drink Fruit Juice: When your blood sugar drops too low, drink fruit juice or sugared (non-diet) soda pop.Eat Sugar: Eat sugar in the form of candy, cubes, or tablets; or eat other quick-sugar foods.Fenugreek: It contains six compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels.Olive Leaf: It dilates the walls of blood vessels. Thereby increasing blood flow and circulation through the body and to vital organs.Cayenne Pepper: It is a wonderful herb for the treatment of low blood sugar.Choose foods with fiber
Stabilize your blood sugar by eating fiber from whole grains, beans and other legumes, vegetables, and fruit
Eat light, eat often
Spread out your meals during the day to sustain a consistent supply of absorbable sugar
Give chromium a go
Take 200 mcg a day of this essential mineral to help stabilize blood sugar swings
Cut back on refined carbs
Avoid carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed, such as sugar and white flour, which may trigger hypoglycemic reactions
Say no to alcohol and caffeine
To improve blood-sugar control, reduce or eliminate alcoholic and caffeinated drinks
I know of no natural remedies for that condition. I am diabetic and do have episodes of hypoglycemia. I eat candy for those times. It just takes good dieting, exercise and following your doctors orders to control your diabetes.
go to NativeRemedies.com there are a few natural treatments on that site that help hypoglycemia. it is a wonderful site and i use several products on there and have have only positive experiences!!
drink orange juice or
half a coke or
eat a piece of fruit
like a banana
or an apple,or
two tablespoons full
of raisins

Any natural products or remedies that get rid of UNEVEN skin tone & ANCE SCARRING on BLACK skin?

In the past I suffered from heavy acne especially around my forehead. My skin has now improved and I no longer suffer from acne. However, I am know left with horrible acne scars and all over skin discolouration. My GP prescribed some topical solution but that only made my skin worse. It burned my skin and left my skin noticeable darker. I have light black skin so it really shows. Please if anyone can help please respond because its really getting me down.
yes, there's an oil called Rosa Mwhich is Mosqueta oil from the Andes which is 100% natural.it's well knwon for treating scarring.(has been in Sunday times %26 Mail on Sunday
You can find out more about it from here:
Hi, Lavender Oil is supposed to help with scaring- It won't do any ahrm anyway
Hope you find something:-)
Have you tried bio-oil? This is really good for scarring - good luck! x
Try contacting the people at
http://www.treasuredlocks.comThey have entire skin-care lines
geared toward people-of-color.Whatever you do -- DO NOT ever
use any products containing a
chemical called 'Hydroquinone'This chemical causes an irreversible
darkening of the skin (called 'Ochronosis)
and it's long-term use leads to skin-cancer..
Palmers Cocoa butter have a range of products for afro caribean skin including lightner and even tone.
Check out the website.www.palmers.com

Any natural products or remedies that get rid of UNEVEN skin tone & ANCE SCARRING on BLACK skin?

In the past I suffered from heavy acne especially around my forehead. My skin has now improved and I no longer suffer from acne. However, I am know left with horrible acne scars and all over skin discolouration. My GP prescribed some topical solution but that only made my skin worse. It burned my skin and left my skin noticeable darker. I have light black skin so it really shows. Please if anyone can help please respond because its really getting me down.
Try contacting the people at
http://www.treasuredlocks.comThey have entire skin-care lines
geared toward people-of-color.Whatever you do -- DO NOT ever
use any products containing a
chemical called 'Hydroquinone'This chemical causes an irreversible
darkening of the skin (called 'Ochronosis)
and it's long-term use leads to skin-cancer..
Aveeno has done wonders for my skin. I used to have very a very uneven skin tone and the post-acne spots just made the worse. The soy complex from the Aveeno products nourish and smoothen your skin while evening out its complexion. Also make sure that you always were sunblock. Sun damage takes a huge toll on your skin and greatly contributes to premature aging and uneven skin tone. Neutrogena Active Sunblock is really good and greatly praised by my dermatologist.

Any natural or cheap but effective products for dry skin?

hi, im 18 years old and its really hot in our country these days. my skin becomes scally:-( everytime i will smile there are fine lines forming on my face.. i already have crow's feet(wrinkles beside my eyes) even im only 18.. pls help me,im into moisturizers but still my skin is too sensitive to too much heat(i think?)...
this may sound a little weird to you but my boss once told me about a lady she knew that used petrolium jelly to keep her very dry skin moisterized. she puts a very thin layer on her face and neck each night and washed her face in the morning. she has very smooth skin and never needs to buy over the counter creams and lotions. she says it saves her alot of money and never has to worry about dry skin and lines. the trick to make it work she says, is to make sure when you put the stuff on is to make sure it's a thin layer. this is all natural so you don't have to worry about it irritating your skin. (hope this helps).
Try the face mist... I can't remember the brand name but essentially it's water with vitamins and minerals that you shouldn't drink but are very good for your skin. Plus, it feels super good on your face. I think it was Summer's Eve... but check the aisles at Target or Walmart. Also, since we're on the subject of water, drink plenty every day. That'll make a real difference as well. I seriously mean like, a gallon a day.
Check out the work of David Icke you might be one of the Illuminti.
rescue remedy cream is amazing. it doesn't have a scent and isn't greasy. I got some for my grandmother and she loves it. you know how old peoples skin can sometimes get thin and very dry.her skin stays really hydrated well with it and it doesn't cost a lot
try dove soap if you can get it or ivory.moisturizers are like suntan lotion in the sun .i had skin like a gator and the dove soap did wonders
If your skin is a dry, and you are bothered by it, I suggest you try using Zenmed Sensitive Skin CareSystem from Zenmed or Autopalm from Skinstore.comZenmend has no side effects and it's non-irritant to the
skin. It's proven to works fast and it povides Maximum
results! It's certainly a good lotion to prevent further
outbreaks.Another product that I think is effective is Autopalm. This
dry skin mlm is one of the best seller at skinstore.com now.
(Skinstore.com holds more than 10,000 skin care products) It's pretty effective, and worth the dollar paid out.Here's are some good references:Dry skin
http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com...Products that are effective to eliminate dry skin
the cheap, and effective way to prevent dry skin is to use:Nivea Creme
Vaseline(it seals your moisture in)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (the one you use for cooking in your kitchen, if you have any doubts, visit www.makeupalley.com and read the sucessful reviews that people had with olive oil)
Dry skin types have to be extremely careful to protect their skin.Yogurt-honey combination helps dry skin. Make an egg pack with a yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of milk powder. This is beneficial to dry skin types. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
You need a cream that will penetrate thru multiple layers of skin. Most creams and lotions contain a high water content (the first ingredient on the label) and will not accomplish this.A great natural cream is called Emushea. Its 100% natural and can be used on sensitive skin. It's made with raw Shea Butter and Emu OIl. It penetrates thru multiple layers of skin so it heals from the inside out.ALWAYS remember to use sunblock when going out doors.
Do not smoke - This will only aggravate the problem
Drink lots of water to hydrate the skin
Use Emushea or similar product to moisturize and heal the skin.http://www.emushea.megamarketingmall.com...

Any Myths on this STD?

Do any of you guys know any myths on this STD? i tried finding for my proejct, but i had no luck. Help please...thank you guys..
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is not an STD, there's a myth for you. It can be caused by STD's, but is not an STD itself. It is commonly caused when Chlamydia or Gonorrhea are left untreated and travel up from the vagina or cervix into the reproductive organs. It can cause infertility, so it is very serious. It can also appear in women after childbirth, but I think that is pretty rare.
which STD? You were specific there are several out there. Try google and type in the name of the STD you want and 'myths' after it. You may have to look back a few pages, but I'm sure there's something out there. Or look at STD 'facts' and go on that rather than myths.

Any medical doctor or student can tell me, if a wound is stiched ,that part get swolled. it is normal?

A bit of redness ans swelling is normal for a wound that has been stitched recently. Make sure to keep the wound clean and dry. You may try using an antibacterial ointment such as Neosporin to prevent infection.
The tissue surrounding the wound is creating scar tissue to help close the wound. A bit if itching is normal too. That is a sign of healing.
Hope this helps!
yes it can. they just stuck a needle in your body like 15 times, so sure it can get a little swollen. just keep a daily routine of ice packs on it (not directly on it though) to keep the swelling down. If it just seems to get worse or notice any major discoloration, thats when you need to go back to the doctor.

Any luck with ear candles?

Very plugged up ear, no pain, just annoying.
Okay, here's the deal. Earwax removal kits are approved by the FDA and are therefore deemed "safe" by all the top scientists in the field. Ear candles have NEVER been approved by the FDA, and you know what else? They have been shown to actually drop so much hot wax into your ear that they rupture your ear drum! If the product is not approved by the FDA and you buy it and use it, you are essentially one of the first "test subjects" for the product. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like becoming a deaf guinea pig today.
I have used them and they did help me. Do it in front of a mirror so you can keep the flame away from your hair.
i have bought them for my husband and they really do work. Make sure you either do it in front of a mirror so that you keep the flame away from your hair or have someone help you. My hubby and I were actually talking about ear candles last night. We are going to go buy some this weekend. Good luck and I hope they help you. IF they do not help go to the store and buy an ear wax removal kit, I have used those as well, they take longer, but they work. Just follow the directions.
Interesting question! Here's what Dr. Douglas Hoffman has to say on this topic: Ear candles have to be one of the stupidest inventions in the history of ear wax. The unlit end of the candle is placed in the ear canal (so the ear functions as a candleholder). The opposite end is lit. This is supposed to create a mild vacuum at the opposite end, "gently" suctioning wax from the canal. Needless to say, the world just doesn't work that way.Read more here:
http://health.ivillage.com/ent/ear/0,,6c...Feel better soon :)
For earwax buildup, I use vinegar. Works like a charm

Any jintropin user's out there?

Any one using this growth hormone? What are your views on this? Does it really work? Any side affects?
FYIhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jintropin...or ask sly stallone

Any info on oesophageal adenocarcinoma?

This is a type of cancer affecting the oesophagus (or food pipe) causing difficulty swallowing and possibly blockage.It is a difficult cancer to treat, but if surgery is an option then it can be quite successful in some.Personally, being involved in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, I have had some limited success using this type of approach. although I would never suggest this instead of the conventional treatments offered.I have also set up an online uk cancer support group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uk_cancer_... - do look in and join if you feel it could be helpful - it's very new with only a few members currently, but it was only set up last week.I hope that you find the answers you need. Best Wishes.
Its cancer of the esophagus.
Here's an article all about it at the American Cancer Society:
http://www.cancer.org/downloads/pro/esop...I'm sorry about your diagnosis.
My father had this illness as i didnt know a lot about it at the time i searched on www.netdoctor.co.uk .I also went to my own doctor who told me that it was important to eat fattening food such as chocolate mousse and eggs just to keep your weight up as it causes difficaulty swallowing its worh getting a blender theyre are a number of treatments avalible a stent is useually fiited to help swallowing also chemotherpy and radiotherpy are an option surgery can also be performed but is risky .
Sorry about your illness hope you beat it.

Any info on Mono?

my boyfriend is not going to school tomorrow. he said he isnt feeling well, he might have mono. his mom is a nurse, and shes the one that said he might have it. im scared, and i feel intensly guilty. i did kiss him. He still doesnt kno if its for sure, but if he does have it, is it possible that Mono came from me and then went to him, when i have never had mono? please explain this all to me before i kill myself of guilt. thanks
No, you didn't give him anything you don't have. Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, and it's usually spread through oral contact like kissing- which is how it came to be called the "kissing disease". If you had mono to give him, you would know it because you would be ill as well. At any rate, mono is generally a mild illness and passes without problems for most people. The only way to know for sure if he has it is for a doctor to do a test called a mono spot, which will confirm the virus is present. There are plenty of other things that would explain his illness, though, aside from mono. Regardless of what it turns out to be, you likely are not the culprit behind it. Germs are all around us, all the time, and there's nothing more democratic than a germ. It doesn't care who it gets into. While there are some diseases that you should not expose people to knowingly, nobody can fault you for sharing what you don't know you have. So no guilt is needed. You didn't give him anything like mono. Just a kiss, that's all.
Mono is infectious, yes. And yes, many people can have no symptoms from getting it, you it is possible. It's also possible that he got it from someone else, doesn't have to kiss them, just sharing drinks or food will do it. Symptoms include: fever, sore throat, fatique, enlarged lymph nodes, and other serious complications, but let's not worry about that until he gets checked out. A doctor can do a blood test and know for sure. It can be anything else, not just mono, so don't freak out. The signs are not specific enough to know mono for sure without tests.If you didn't know you have it, then it's not your fault.
don't worry, if you don't have mono you could not give it to your boyfriend. if he has mono he could pass it to you though if you kiss or eat or drink after him. usually mono and strep throat start with similar symptoms...swollen lymph nodes in your neck, sore throat, fever, headaches. it's real important that he be seen by a doctor who can order the tests to see what he actually has. then you will both know what you are dealing with and will be able to find out what precautions you should take until he's well again. no kissing until you are sure it's ok!

Any info on how to control bp without medications?

1. Weight reduction: maintain healthy body wt, BMI below 25, reduces BP 5-20mmHg
2. A diet rich in fruits, veggies, low in fat milk products with reduced saturated fat intake, reduces BP 8-14mmHg
3. Sodium(salt) restriction: %26lt;2400mg/day, reduces BP 2-8mmHg
4. Exercise: 30min/day most days a week, reduces BP 4-9mmHg
5. Alcohol: 2 drinks/day for men, 1 drink/day for women, reduces BP 2-4mmHg**FYI, "mmHg" means millimeters of mercury, it's just how blood pressure is measured**
reduce salt intake
Maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly. Eat a healthy diet and limit sodium(salt) intake. Limit or exclude smoking and alcohol intake.
try to reduce your stress
Substantially reducing your sodium intake is a great first step. It might also be possible to reduce your BP by *increasing* your potassium intake. (I recommend checking your potassium levels first.) A banana or orange a day, or any other high potassium fruit can make a difference. If you can't do that, perhaps take a potassium supplement.If these two steps don't get it done, there are many who advocate a water fast to cleanse your system and get your BP down, then add back in appropriate foods and monitor your BP as you go. Quitting smoking, cutting out alcohol and/or caffeine, losing weight and other lifestyle changes might have some impact, as well, but probably not as significant.I would avoid medications like ACE inhibitors, beta blockers or diuretics *if* you can lower your BP in a more natural way. All of the meds have side effects than can become a real issue over time.As to how long these changes will last... all of them are generally for a life time. If you go back to your old ways or quit taking the meds, the problem is likely to return.
RESPeRATE is an FDA approved biofeedback device that is clinically proven to lower BP.

Any info on dog hotspots treatment and care?

is there a good home remedy that realy works
We used this stuff called Bag Balm. You can buy this in the pet department at Wal-Mart.
there are sprays you can buy, but when my dog has a hotspot i give her a bath and put something on her so she wont bite and scratch. like a bandage or a shirt or even a funnel that goes around her head.

Any ideas what this could be?

I have a large red area on my left breast that gets darker in the shower or when exposed to heat. Any ideas what it could be? No other symptoms have been experienced such as acne or irritation. The area is very clearly defined and stays in the same spot. Will go to the doctor if I experience any problems other than cosmetic.
It sounds more like a vein that's a little closer to the surface than usual. It would dialate in the heat, expanding to give off the excess heat, which would make it look darker or redder than usual. You can press on it to see if it goes white, and then the color returns when you let go. If it's a vein, it will blanch with pressure and recolor as it refills. As long as it's not tender or causing any other problems, you could probably wait until the next annual exam and ask the gynecologist to have a peek. Or if you happen to go to the doctor for something else, you could always ask then.
Clogged milk duct..seriously

Any Ideas on these little, red bumps on my body?

They start out pin point sized, and over time grown into bigger bumps. I've had two bumps on my right breast since I was around 5-7, and over the years have only gotten 2 or 3 others. It wasn't untel 2 months ago that I started to find more appear. In the past month I went from nearly 5 to over ten. If you pick the dots they dont bleed, but the red goes away and comes back in seconds. They never scab if picked, and never go away. They do not itch or hurt, only scare me for what they may be. Any Ideas?
Don't be scared, take action, then forget about it. A "Dermotologist" will take appointments and tell you what they are in 15 seconds (really). What you have is almost sure "broken blood vessels", the most common skin condition in the United States and completeluy harmless. Nobody on the internet is going to be able to tell you what it is as thier are well over 750 different kinds of skin problems. Just go to the doctor and get rid of your worry.
see a doctor its probablt the best thing
Not to scare you but a friend of mine keeps getting little red dots, with no symptoms other than the visual. Here's are a form of skin cancer, but it's not a deadly one, just one that requires her to keep close watch and put a special treatment cream on. But if you've had them since you were young, then it's probably something else. Maybe a vitamin deficiency? See your dr, just to be on the safe side.

Any ideas on controlling eczema without prescription drugs?

I hate eczema, and I'm not too fond of meds if I can avoid them. What do other people do to keep it in check?
Try using Sorbolene Cream with vitamin E.
Drink PLENTY of water, use good moisturizer after the shower while skin is still slightly damp, and avoid dry climates if possible.
extreeme moistrization. find a moisturizer or body butter that you like and put lots of layers on before you go to bed. thats how i got rid of it, after its gone you dont have to apply so much
All this stuff sounds amazing, doesn't it. I, my daughter, my three grand daughter all have eczema, had it for me 68 years now. I've used everything on the market and some stuff that's not on the market. The Watson man used to come around with stuff my mom bought but, I guess it helped to some extent.
The best I've had is Mometsone Furoate Creme 0.1% just a little and all the itching stops. If you don't like meds, that's up to you, then itch.

Any Ideas Of Opinions On What Could Be Wrong?

im 21 male for a few months my heart rate has been flucating alot sometimes its 75-85 other times its in the 90s sometimes maybe even a little over 100 its at its fastest when i wake up in the morning and i wake up sweating even with the air on..for about 6 weeks ive been having chest pains there on and off all day most of the time more on then off and the pain is also in my rib area the pains dont happen together my chest and ribs are only tender to touch sometimes not often,,ive been to the er,dr,cardioligst..they have done alot of blood work on me,chest xray,several ekgs,echocardiogram,and 24 hour holter monitor, and all that stuff seems to be fine..theres no triggers to cause the pain it just happens i did notice after i get up im not in alot of pain the pain really starts kicking in 1-3 hours after im up and walking and sitting around mostly sitting,it happens when im sitting standing or laying down
it sounds like a combination of acid reflux and sleeping bad. I have similar problems and they are related to stress and acid reflux. If you are having cardiac issues then your chest and ribs won't be tender. Those are signs of muscular pain.
i would just go to the doctors

Any ideas about strange dime sized spots on my skin since I began allergy shots.?

I moved to the Ohio valley about eight months ago. I immediately began suffering severe allergies and had to start shots and a slew of medications. Perhaps it is unrelated, but I started getting flat, shiny and perfectly round spots near the injection sites. They are only slightly raised and look like bruises. At first I was terrified that I had ringworm, but it never developed the distinctive ring. The allergist thinks it may be excema, but it usually does not itch. Today I saw one on my thigh, near my knee. Eventually the others faded. I actually have been working so much that I didn't have time to schedule with a dermatologist. Now, I am out of work for the summer, so I plan to, but I wonder if anyone has any ideas in the meantime. Thanks.
sounds like excema. it looks really similar to ringworm. its just dry flaky skin. with all of your allergies and your new shots and you moving to another place with a different climate its totally possible that your skin is irritated.

Any idea what is up with my bladder?

Okay, I have had one urinary tract infection in the past. It was almost a month of excruciating torture that I remember very well. Well, a few days ago, I started feeling like I was getting one again. It was the same sensation and the feeling like I had to pee constantly and straining when I did. When I finally managed sleep and woke up in the morning, the feeling was significantly lessened and by the afternoon was gone. Then it hit again that evening about two hours when I went to bed. It is now gone again this morning. What I'm wondering is if anyone has ever heard of a bladder infection or u.t.i. that only hits in one part of the day?
You very well could have a UTI, but without a Dr checking your urine there is no way to tell for sure. Symptoms of UTI's may include: painful urination, frequent urination, burning while urinating, blood in the urine (though often times it is microscopic and can't be seen with the naked eye), cloudy urine, feeling like you have to urinate and only being able to produce a few drops of urine, these are just some of the symptoms and they can come and go. They do sell dipsticks at the drug store that you can check your urine at home for leukocytes (white blood cell-- sign of infection), Nitrates (another sign of infection), Blood. and if you have any of these you should see a Dr ASAP, and if you continue to have symptoms you need to see a Dr. UTI's left untreated can become life threatening if you get a septic (blood/whole body) infection. I hope you feel better and remember that a Dr is a better place for diagnosis then the Internet ;-)
You need to see a urologist not a chat room for medical advice
look., just go to the doctor and get medication for it. most of us aren't doctors and can't help you out in diagnosing UTIs. if youve had one before, you are likely to get another one. you know your body, so if it feels like one, get your butt into the clinic.
Hi ThereCauses
Urinary problems can be due to a variety of factors. The most common causes are bladder obstruction, benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), bacterial infections within the urinary tract, stretching or aging of the muscles of the pelvic floor, injuries from childbirth, cysts or fibroids on the uterus that push down on the bladder, excess stress, allergies, and a delayed reaction to recent infections of the respiratory tract, heart, skin, or kidney disease. All of these factors must be screened for and treated before long-term relieve of urinary problems can be achieved.
------------------------------...Natural CuresAromatherapy: For urinary tract infections, use sandalwood, bergamot, or juniper essential oils.Diet: For urinary infections, organic cranberry juice can help inhibit bacteria from sticking to the cells lining the bladder. For urinary incontinence, avoid all beverages containing caffeine, as it has been shown to cause the muscles around the bladder to contract and exert additional pressure. The following foods and additives can also irritate the bladder: coffee, non-herbal tea, artificial sweeteners, carbonated beverages, and tomato-based foods. Also screen for and eliminate all foods to which you are allergic. Otherwise, eat an organic, whole foods diet.Herbs: An infusion of equal parts bearberry, dandelion leaf, and nettle can be helpful for soothing irritations along the urinary tract. Drink hot, three times a day or as needed. For blood in the urine, drink comfrey root tea. For difficult or burning urination, a mixture of fennel, horsetail, jasmine flowers, and licorice tea is helpful. Buchu, burdock, coriander, cornsilk, echinacea, goldenrod, juniper berries, marshmallow root, and shave grass teas are useful for relieving symptoms of urinary tract infections. Skullcap is recommended for urinary incontinence. D-mannose powder is a very powerful urinary tract cleanser that makes it difficult for bacteria to gain a foothold in the urinary tract.Homeopathy: Aconite, Apis mel., and Cantharis are useful homeopathic remedies for most types of urinary problems. Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. I suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments. Juice Therapy: Organic cranberry juice.Lifestyle: To address incontinence, contract the bladder muscles 100-500 times throughout the day. This can greatly improve bladder control.Nutritional Supplementation: Recommended nutrients include, vitamin B1, vitamin C, and a complete multivitamin/multimineral formula. Adding _ teaspoon of baking soda to pure, filtered water can help alkalize the body, thereby alleviating urinary problems due to over-acidity in the body.Alternative Professional Care
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional. The following professional care therapies have all been shown to be useful for treating urinary problems: Acupressure, Acupuncture, Biofeedback Training (for incontinence), Detoxification Therapy, Energy Medicine (Light Beam Generator and Ondamed), Environmental Medicine, Magnetic Field Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Yoga.Best of health to you
Take some apple cider vinegar. By Braggs.
It cures all bladder problems.
What's with all the boo birds out there? I think there was some good advice. I would certainly see a doctor before subjecting myself (or someone I cared about) to a single extra hour of UTI misery... and some of the natural remedies are a good way to try to prevent UTI's from starting. The cranberry juice really does work. And finally, if someone needs that extra nudge to seek help, isn't that why we're here?

Any IBS moms with breastfeeding advice?

I am 23 weeks with my first baby. I take a muscle relaxant (Bentyl) for IBS and I cannot take it while breastfeeding, because it will affect the baby's breathing. I would like to breastfeed a little in the beginning, but I have pretty serious IBS so I cannot predict what labor will do to my digestive system and if I can do without the medication for a couple of weeks or not. Anyone been through this?Anyway, my question is, should I just formula feed from the beginning, or should I try to breastfeed some so the baby gets antibodies (or at least the colustrum)? I want my baby to get all of the antibodies he needs, but again, I can't predict how I'll be feeling and what I can and can't do. I don't know if trying to breastfeed for just a week (I would supplement with formula) is even worth it. Can anyone give me some much-needed advice?Please don't lecture me on how "breast is best." I have enough guilt about this issue on my own, thanks.
Hi. Just out of curiousity, were you ever tested for Celiac Disease is a very commone autoimmune disease and many ppl with IBS actually have it. Its worth looking into, if you havent already bc if you do have Celiac all you have to do is eat glutenf ree, and breastfeeding will be fine. You'll need no meds for it. You honestly have to dow hat is best. Perhaps if you do truly have IBS there is another medicine your doc can prescribe you that you can take. Actually I"m surprised its ok for you tot ake it durign pregnancy, usually docs try to limit meds while pregnant. So maybe your OB and GI doc can figure something out.Now to answer your question, you can try to nurse the baby the colostrum but if the drug is in your body it can still pass through the colostrum. So if the doc says not to, you should not nurse at all. Dont feel bad, yes breast is best, but not every mom can nurse. I struggled for 5 mos to nurse, did everything I could and my son still needed formula. We didnt realize til he was 11 mos old that he was tongue tied and he couldnt nurse! Well I'm preg again and u better believe I"m checking that babys tongue before we leave the hospital!! If you are not planning bfing more than a week, I'd just use formula from the beginngin honestly, bc after one week you'll get your boobs into thinking they're gonna nurse and when u cut it out sutddnely, ouch! YOu have to do what's right for you and if your IBS is so severe you cant nurse, then just formula feed! Whats most important is you to be healthy and happy for your baby!! But I'd definitely look into the celiac disease. Just a thought!!Best of luck, and congrats, Amy
Even breastfeeding for a week is better than not breastfeeding at all - but it is ok if you arent able to breastfeed. Your baby will still get everything it needs to survive with formula. Imagine not always having to get up in the middle of the night to feed your infant! When you are formula feeding, someone else can do that for you. And babies who are formula fed sleep longer at night. You sound like you are going to be a very good mother, and any decision you make will be the right one. You need to take care of yourself as well as your baby, and if you are not feeling well you will not be able to take care of him or her.

Any home remedies for sunburn?

aloe vera plant
my best friend growing up was very pale, almost albino looking and had a lot of reactions to creams and such... i used to brew tea and his g/f would rub his burned areas with the tea bags...all i can say is it worked for him!
natural yoghurt takes the sting out!!
a cold bath. and drink lots of water. that will help hydrate your skin.DO NOT USE VINEGAR UNLESS YOU WANT AN EVEN WORSE BURN!!
Aloe vera is good for it.
The best real natural thing that is for sure for me is the aloe gel from the aloe plant (hopefully) in your kitchen. I keep a real live growing aloe (cactus) in my kitchen and when someone touches a pan we reach for a branch off of our "BURN PLANT" as we we call ours. They are cheap at any green house and you break open the green branch and viola! REAL LIVE ALOE GEL.
Good Luck. I'd love to know how it works for you.
Treat Burns using Aloe Vera: The aloe vera plant has been a long-used burn remedy. Aloe vera contains vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc compounds which are all necessary ingredients for healing burns and wounds. Cut the tip of the leaf and apply the gel to the affected burn areas. If you do not have an aloe plant, over the counter aloe vera gel will also work. Treat Burns using Witch Hazel: Take a wet gauze and apply witch hazel, elder flowers, and comfrey firmly around your burns.Treat Burns using Lavendar Oil: By applying lavendar oil to your burns, you can help skin heal and decrease inflammation.Treat Burns using Milk: To alleviate burn pain, soak a cloth in milk and apply to the burns for 15 minutes. Repeat several times throughout the day.Treat Burns using Vitamin C: By eating foods and drinks high in vitamin C, your body will produce needed collagen that will help your burns heal.

Any help with ways to get rid of hives or at least the itching?

Ok I had surgery and got stitches. it seems to be that I am allergic to something with the suture strip things they put on top of the stitches., we think its the adhesive. well the last two times ive had surgery ive got hives all round the area., this time its really bad, ive been taking benadryl but its not working. any ides on how to at least get rid of the itching?
You really need to contact your doctor, you may need a prescription antihistamine like Atarax. (Very similar to Benadryl but much stronger-will probably cause extreme sedation.) Whether you can use any topical creams will depend on how healed your incision is. I'm wondering why you let them continue to use steri-stips when you know you react to them? It seems like you might mention this and save yourself a lot of grief. In the meantime continue taking the Benadryl every 6 hours and head to the ER if you have any worsening symptoms such as swelling lips or tongue or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Good luck!
try benadryl cream to the hives, not the suture line.
first next time u go to hospital let them know u have an allergy to steri strips u shouldnt really put any creams or lotions on the area untill its completely healed to prevent infection if it is healed just take the strips off and apply some calomine lotion. dont scratch! could cause infection. just keep the area clean if it starts spreading or u get a fever go to the doctors.
contact the surgeon.

Any help with this problem?

When i shave my armpits they get broken out like a reaction to something. I was wondering does anyone know of anything that can stop this or some type of deodorant that might have just organic things in it that can be found in the grocery store if so please help...
well there is a big chance that the deodrant is what is causing the reaction ..if you shave ur arm pits use talc powder and wash regulary the following days with soap .. then apply again ... if the powder is what causes the irritations .. then i would suggest u just go on with not shaving it completely but just cutting the length a bit ..
could be the deodorant, you probably have sensitive skin, may be the razor try switching all
Maybe you should change your shaving cream.
I dont really know what causes this but it could just be the razor that you are using, I would use a single blade or double AT THE MOST to shave your armpits because the hair is more course. I think it is just that you tear open the top of the hair follicle by using a razor with more than one blade. I also would not use deodorant right out of the shower. Let them dry really well first and I use Dove Original Clean scent so that the perfumes dont irritate my skin.
try shaving the other way, like not against the grain [of hair.] ya know? they might just get irritated because your going against it, so try going the OTHER way.
Shave with a new blade each time and don't shave everyday.
Try some aloe vera on your skin. Use power instead of deoderant or try Avalon organic deoderants. Shave in the shower last thing during your bathing process so the skin is very moist %26 the pores are open. Do not use soap as a shaving cream. Might be too harsh for you.
use warm water and plenty of shaving foam. Let it soak for a while and then shave with a new razor. This works very well.
when shaving there / use shaving cream / or lotion / that should prevent the breakout / good luck
Use an electric shaver because they don't cut the hair so close. Also, wait as long as you can before putting on your deodorant. I don't know where you are in the world, but if you are near a Lush shop, they sell a very mild deodorant especially for sensitive skin. I think Body Shop do too.

Any help with hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids Treatment http://www.penisenlargementx.com/...Venapro is a long-term, non-surgical approach to hemorrhoidsBring fast effective relief with this anti-inflammatory formula. Herbal extracts work quickly to relieve the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids by improving venous circulation. Restore serenity and ease to your life with our powerful, long lasting Venapro Colon Health supplement.All Natural IngredientsUnlike chemically based treatments Venapro's natural ingredients are welcomed by and are actually healthy for the body. Venapro penetrates deep within the body to treat the source of the problem, whereas chemically based treatments treat only the symptom and may even shock to the skin and body resulting in harmful side effects.NEED MORE INFORMATION MOVE ON THAT SITE:
http://www.penisenlargementx.com/...GO ON THAT SITE
http://www.penisenlargementx.com/...%26 CLICK ON IT YOU WILL GET
Hemorrhoid Relief
try a over the counter medication and maybe have your partner be more gentle.
Take a "sitz" bath. That is, the hottest water you can bear to sit down in..in the bath tub. Also, prep h works pretty well. If they are extremely bad and these two things don't work, you'll have to go to the Dr. and have them removed. If they are external, the doc puts a band around them, killing off the blood supply and they drop off. "Ouch" but it works. Good luck
.Excellent treatment for hemorrhoids is Rue Care Oil - it shrinks the hemorrhoids, stops bleeding, strengthens the veins and prevent hemorrhoids from returning. In most cases you see results already after the first application. The duration of treatment depends on the type and size of your hemorrhoid - for many one week of treatment is enough

Any help for this??

the past few days my chest has been hurting, when i take a deep breath, it feels like when we have a bad cold and it settles in the chest area, is there anything i can do for it or take that will help?thanks
Could be bronchitus or the beginnings of pneumonia. Anytime your chest hurts even if it's a type of cold or respiratory infection you really should go to a Dr. My Dr. always has told me, if theres pain, something is wrong and to call him.
DOCTORgo see one ! i cant belive how people ask for advice in these things from people on ByeDr.com !! so what?? if someone said ur fine just have a lemon juice every morning would u do that ??chest pains are very serious issue .. go see ur doctor immediatly !
You didnn't mention any other symtoms or your age. I strongly suggest you seek medical advise.

Any help for people with colitis?

Hi:My mom has severe end stage colitis ans it is just a horrible disease for everyone. Here are some web sites that I thought you may be interested in on colotis.I am not sure if you have colitis or UC so I have some of both for you.https://www.livingwithuc.com
http://www.nacc.org.ukTake care of your self please. Be Well
Yes, but if I told you I could be considered as advertising something.
hi, the Crohns %26 Colitis Foundation of America has a website at ccfa.org to educate patients and their families regarding Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns disease. Be sure to check out their site to find a local chapter in your area. You can meet others like yourself, swap war stories if you will, and learn about diet, exercise, the latest treatments, medications, etc.

Any healthy habits to get rid of pimples??

Just anything that helps. Nothing with products though. Anything I can avoid or something. Thanks! :)
I went through a stage of very bad acne, and got this advice from my older sister. Avoid touching your hands to your face as much as possible. Your hands have TONS of germs on them, which easily gets into our pores. Secondly, dry skin helps trap dirt into pores, so wash your face (scrub hard!) at least twice a day. This will remove the dead skin cells that may be clogging your pores, resulting in zits. Lastly, I know this sounds stupid but always wash with SOAP. Not just water. Water is polar and will not bind to dirt on its own. Soap acts as a magnet for dirt, and water acts as a magnet for soap. So, to most effectively remove dirt always use soap when washing. Hope that helps, I totally understand your frustration with pimples! Oh and last thing, don't pop them, I know it's terribly tempting but it spreads the pus and bacteria into other pores and creates more pimples!
just drinking lots and lots of water will do wonders for your skin
from the picture of your profile your face looks fine whatever you're doing keep it up
I have heard that chocolate is a cause of blimishes, as well as caffeine. Avoiding those two things may help.But heck, who wants to give up chocolate?!
just a healthy diet babe-plenty of green leafy veg-and water- type healthy diet ----into google.good luck.x
every morning and night drink a glass of water with some lemon juice in it (this helps with digestion, which is most important for getting rid of pimples) wash your hands frequently and don't touch your face! keep your hair off your face as much as possible (wear it up) if you drink a lot of milk or eat a lot of dairy, try to avoid it for awhile (see what happens) because those build mucus up which can lead to zits. some people who have a lot of wheat also suffer from acne. don;t wear anything (oil, moisturizer) before you go to bed.
and don't stress about it, because that will always make it worse, have patience.
Drink lots of water and wash your face every day with just water or just antibacterial hand soap and water- nothing medicated.
Watch your diet, avaiding greasy foods and chocolate in particular; drink lots of water. Keep your skin very clean to avoid clogged pores, which can cause pimples and blackheads. If all natural remedies fail, ProActive is fantastic.
People touch their faces way too much. You really should wash your hands before you touch your face. For oily skin wash your face with plain water often during the day. Avoid the use of makeup.
Drink a lot of water. Don't wear oil based makeup. Give your skin a break from all your makeup once a week (usually on a day when you won't see anyone). Wash your face in the mornings before putting on makeup to get oil off from the night before. Wash off your makeup every night. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Don't eat a lot of junk food.

Any guy's out there suffer from....?

Sebaceous Cysts ( Hydranitis Superlativa I think thats what it's called ) I have been plagued with them and I'm always looking for treatment's. Fed up being cut open like a fillet of effin fish.?
Yeah i'v had 6 taken out over the years , bloody things !!
what's that
Sorry can't help . I have same problem , tried different things but nothing helped . Will be keeping a eye on your answers though see if anyone comes up with decent suggestions
You are about axillary abscesses due to a sweat gland problem. The ultimate treatment is surgical, a diamond of skin is removed from each armpit, removing most of the sweat glands.
as far as i know this has notthing ti do with seweat like the person above said, if my memory is correct the sebaceous galds can open up in the hair follicels so head scalp face ,truck and bottom are the most coman areas but as treament sorry hun not sure try a chinese herbal shop not that i have used them but wort a try i guss.
Cysts?Cysts?Suffer from boils for as long as I have, and you'll wish you had cysts!!
I cannot believe that "Dr.Frank" could be a legit practitioner. You never said they were under your armpits and there is a HUGE difference between cyst and abcess. Sebaceous cysts are caused from too much sebum ( which is an oily substance that everone's skin secretes)being produced by the body. Unfortunately, I do not know of any way to reduce sebum production. Set up a consult with a dermatologist. ( lots of derms offer free consultations) If you have already done that, then get a second opinion where you can speak to a licensed physician. The condition you have is really common and the clinic I work in, we remove alot of them. The little sac we remove is full of sebum and they smell awful.Unfortunately, my doctors tell patients that if you get one, you are prone to get more.Good luck to you.
never heard of it
do not use roll-on deodorant, use the spray on. That would help if you have a problem with your underarms.

Any good websites for info on secondhand smoke for a research paper?

http://www.epa.gov/smokefree/pubs/strsfs...http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/secondha...http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.j...good luck chickie :)
www.kidshealth.org they have a website for adults, teens and kids that can be found when typing in that address. its a really helpful web page. ive used it several times in the past.
go to www.secondhandsmokes
you.com, www.no-smoke.org,

Any good cancer clinics?

My uncle has been diagnosed with Carcimona and its spread to his lymph nodes in his chest and its also in his lung and colon the doc gave us 4-6 months with treatment are there any clinics near nc?
I live in Kannapolis, not far from you, my Grandson has cancer, and CMC in Charlotte has treated his cancer and has done a fantastic job, they first discovered it when he was only 9 months old, and done immediate surgery for the unknown, this tumor was 8 inches long! in an 8 month old baby,in his spine, it blew them away, (us too)it had grown like ivy off of it thru his whole spine, when we went in they said they he would have a 50/50 chance of ever being able to walk, crawl, talk, these people over there took care of him like gold, and even though the protocol for his type of cancer is only a 40% survival rate to age 5, as of today, he is walking, talking, and though he can't walk long, they are working to put his brothers stem cells form his cord, into his legs soon. but back to them call,Carolina's Medical Center, the Blumenthal Cancer Center which is where I go, they are great people, they are in with the group, that helped my Grandson( pediatric cancer), these people are the BEST. They're phone number is 704-355-2884 or 1-800-804-9376, they really pamper you there, I think you will really like them, I hoped this helped. My Grandson's homepage explaining his cancer is:
And good luck, my prayers are with youP.S. As far as Wake Forrest, they misdiagnosed my grandson, and about caused his death, thinking the fluid in his head was because he was a waterhead baby. Far from the truth, they didn't bother to do an MRI, or they would have found the tumor and seen that the fluid on his brain was coming from his spinal fluid backing up, but fitted him for a helmet, still no tests, xrays, MRI's, nothing, that poor kid went thru hell, going to the doctor every week,while they tightened the helmet every week, in an attempt to push the fluid to the front part of his brain. He cried non stop for 4 weeks. They could have killed him, at the least brain damage.DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE.
I'm sorry I don't know any, but you can check with the american cancer society. Best wishes to your uncle, and your family.
Duke University Hospital or Wake forest UniversityBaptist medical center. Both are affiliated with medical schools. Which are you closest to.?
The National Cancer Institute has designated cancer centers throughout the United States. Here is the list:NCI: Designated Cancer Center List
http://cancercenters.cancer.gov/cancer_c...In North Carolina:Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center
http://cancer.duke.edu/Wake Forest University
http://www1.wfubmc.edu/cancerUNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
http://www.unclineberger.org/And, the list of the best Cancer hospitals in the US in 2006:
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/health/best...Some of the top cancer centers include:
Memorial Sloan Kettering - NY
http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/44.cfm...MD Anderson Cancer Center - TX
http://www.mdanderson.org/Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center - MA
It's very, very good that you're taking him to a 2nd and even 3rd opinion. I've heard of cases where there was disagreement regarding stage or treatment. We don't need that, we need to KNOW the answer.Aside from the cancer center list in the messages above, here's another resource you could take a look at:
Duke is wonderful! The doctors in their Brain Tumor Clinic cured me of brain cancer!
I am not sure about clinics, however you can reach the American Cancer Society 24 hours a day. 1-800-ACS-2345. Good Luck and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Any gastro Dr.'s out there? Is rectal bleeding a sign of something serious?

Well I am 22 years old and have been having rectal bleeding since the age of 15. Over the years it has gradually gotten worse. I have seen 2 doctors and one said an anal fissure the other hemroids. I have followed there threatment regimens and nothing helps! I am terrified to have a bowel movement because it brings unbareable pain to the point I feel I could passout at times. The bleeding has gotten heavier and heavier, the water in the toilet will be dark red and have no visibility to it (if that makes sense its hard to put into words), when i wipe at times there will be clumps of bright red blood and I will continue to bleed for 10 minutes or so following bowel movements. I guess what I am wanting to know is if I should be concerned, could this be serious, and what it could possibly be other than hemroids or a fissure? If it is hemroids or a fissure then why wont it go away? HELP!!
It could be a lot of things, many of them serious. See a doctor.
get another opinion, and ask doctors not the yahoo's here
maybe you need to see another doctor.Rectal cancer intestinal cancer or perhaps a blood vessel .You dont want to be constipated in this condition. a hemoroid is like a ruptured blood vessel. out of shape.unbearable pain you should not have.go back to the doctor get a upper and lower GI sounds really bad.I have a bleeding hemoroid I dont have pain like you,and I dont usually bleed and not as bad as you describebut hemoroids can be removedget it checked. your not supposed to bleed.
If the blood is bright red color, it probably comes from a hemorrhoid. If you have any serious problems with your colon, the color of the blood would be dark brown and kind of sticky.
See your doctor, there are many ways to take care of a hemorrhoid problem.

Any female ever have a ovarian tumor?

ok so im 20 yrs old, and i had un ultra sound 2 days ago because my side was hurting and my dr wanted to make sure everything was ok. turns out i have a tumor inside my ovary. has anyone ever had a tumor in their ovary? my family has a history of cancer...almost everyone has had it. i'm the youngest of the family and i'm scared. I have PCOS which does give me a higher % rate at gettin ovarian cancer, and like i said my mom, dad, sister, grandparents have had cancer. one of my friends just passed away from cancer in dec. and i'm more scared than ever. can someone please tell me if they've ever had a tumor in their ovaries and what happened. thank you.
First before you let the doctor that told you this do anything get a second opinion. I had polycystic ovarian disease when I was you age. Unfortunately that was over 16 years ago and the doctor said that it was a tumor. At 20 years old they did a radical hysterectomy. I was as scared as you are and didnt ask questions. Mistake one. I believed what the doctor told me without questioning anything he said Mistake 2. At 20 years old I was now facing menopause and no chance of ever concieving a child of my own. About 7 years after the surgery I finally went to a different doctor. This doctor read all of my history looked at the slides and gave me the devastating news that the hysterectomy was uncalled for. So Please I beg of you to seek a different opinion. If the second opinion comes back as the first you then have to consider your options. If it is in fact cancer and it was caught early enough there are different procedures that can be done. They can do an oophectomy which is the removal of half of your ovary. The could choose to take the whole ovary. Or if you wanted they could perform a hysterectomy. Once the doctor gives you your options. research them. Find out everything that you can. Make notes in a note book of questions you have. This way when you go in for a checkup you can read the questions instead of trying to think what the questions were. Make sure someone goes with you to all doctor visits and is in the room with you at all times. 4 ears are better than 2 espically when we are upset. Good Luck to you. I hope everything turns out ok. you can email me if you like at tnthauler@yahoo.com Debbie D %26 G Gifts Etc
yes i had 3 on my ovary was caught in time over 12 yrs ago now... inside the ovary ialso know its possible to bust rupture or also have aform of endometriosis check out many cancer sites for more information alos ur dr

Any Ear, Nose, Throat doctor who can help me?

I can't pin point an exact time this has started happening but i seem to be able to "feel" the hair in my left nostril with each breath i take ( i have a hard time breathing through my mouth and don't want to have to) and it drives me absolutely crazy. It almost feels like lint is caught there.I have tried trimming the hair as best i could, thinking it might help but I can still feel the back and forth movements of the hairs when i breathe.Keep in mind, this is only with my left nostril, not my right. Even when I've blown my nose, and I've irrigated it with a nasal wash, I can still feel it. It is quite bothersome and I get headaches from it. So much so that I have a hard time falling asleep at night. So my question is, is it possible that the shape of my LEFT nasal cavity changed throughtout the years from a lot of nose blowing (allergies), and thus causing me to feel the annoying physical feeling in my nose?Again,it's only the left nostril i'm having this problem with
I had a problem with sores inside my nose and started eating garlic, it most of been a yeast infection or the like because it cleared up quick after that. I would try a mix of water and white vinegar too since it is healing to the skin.I would also go to a naturopath to find out what you are allergic to. I have a primary doctor, he told me when it comes to allergies a naturopath is better at addressing this and he sure is right. One of the things she helps with with is allergies.Diane

Any Doctors out there?

Could someone tell me if- my husband who is 47 and smokes last night had a cramp in his thigh then suddenly passed out cold for about 10-15 minutes. When he awoke he was cold and sweaty for about half an hour before he went to bed. He refuses to go to the docs and I was wondering whether this is a sign for something that we should be prepared for or am I worrying a bit too much?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You should not neglect this. You should consult your family doctor. Take your husband to doctor, persuade him. We cannot prescribe you anything unless we see the patient.

Any doctors in here?plz help!?

i had fever for 2 days.followed by severe abdominal pain.frequent motions...now i have pain in lower abdomen and i pass green colored stools.this is too disabling..i get this abdominal pain follwed by motion very freqently which is very little in quantity...plz help me plz.
You need to see a doctor, not ask on Yahoo!
have you eaten a large amount of green veggies lately?
What is your temp? what did you eat 2 or 3 days ago? You have some type of either food poisoning or you could have a virus in your large intestines,therefor I would prescribe to you 500vk penicillin if your not allergic to it. take 1 every 4 to 5 hrs.and eat a slice of bread with it(should be taken with food) and drink water (no milk) and finish the pills even if you are back to normal,that way the ''stragglers'' of the virus can be stopped.and get good bed rest.Good Luck and Feel Better
Abdominal pain and fever, especially for the amount of time you've had it, can be indicative of a number of serious conditions. This is not the place for a diagnosis. Please see a doctor or visit your local ER right away.
Abdominal pains with diarrhea is nothing to be concerned with. However, in the presence of excess diarrhea and fever; stomach flu has to be considered. You must seek medical help as these diarrhea might cause dehydration. Dehydration can also attribute to the fever. You should be on bedrest and antbiotics. Another illness to be considered is IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome ) or cholecystitis stones in the gallbladder.

Any diabetics have trouble with Symlin?

I thought with Symlin I would get better control of my blood sugars but they tend to spike about 2 hours after I eat and it's really frustrating. I love how I use less insulin at the time, and the fact that I don't eat as much, but the highs are really worrying me.
Cant anyone else relate?? Stories would be great.I'm a type I diabetic on an insulin pump. (diabetic for 12 years and pumping for 10)
How long have you been on Symlin? The spikes that you describe are unusual, and this is what Symlin is designed to address. I am assuming that you are compliant with both your Symlin and your mealtime insulin therapies, both taken before meals. While it is true that you must initially cut your insulin dose by 50% once you start Symlin, you must also adjust your insulin dose as you go along, depending on blood sugar levels. Work very closely with your health care provider on this. The goal is glycemic control, and this can only be achieved by following simple guidelines.
Mi father has diabetes and he is using DIABUTA is a natural product that help him to regule the glucose.He feels much better with it and is not dependent of the insuline.
Yeah, I had the same issues with Symlin. Actually, spikes occurs fairly often among Type 1's--the Symlin delays the food absorption and it hits hours later. I would have spikes about two hours post-prandial after going up to 300--so much for better control. You're a pump user--can you do a square wave bolus to handle the spike?I ended up quitting Symlin partially because of the spikes and partially because I almost died in a car wreck after a meal. The Symlin was totally unpredictable--sometimes my blood sugar would go way down fast and other times, nothing. And I always had the spikes.That said, a lot of people are having a lot of success with it. I just was not one of the lucky ones.
i hope if you visit this site wil get good answers . http://thediabeteszone.com/
I have been an insulin diabetic for 30+ years and asked my dr. to put me on symlin for weight loss. my a1c is 5.5 - 6 and he would not put me on it cause it is supposed to drop your blood sugar very fast.
it sounds like you cut too much of your insulin if your b/s are high... call your doctor and tell him this! Did you lose any weight on this?

Any dermatologists/anyone who knows about skin conditions out there?

I have what appear to be 2 whiteheads (but they're not, they just look to be very tiny whiteheads or blisters even) under my eye. They're only visible when I look at myself in the mirror, they're that small (or when somebody looks at me closeup I suppose). One has been there forever and one just showed up. Does anybody know what they could be and how I could get rid of them?
I despise these doctors but you have to get to a dermatologist to have the doc determine from his experience what it is. To vague to answer here. Docs don't work for free so you wont get one to answer this here.Moe
you should buy proactive it really works

Any cures or remedies for cold/flu?

hey guys feeling pretty crook have been for a few days
anybody know any common cures or remedies for cold and flu?
would be much apreciated thanks.
What always works for me is a neti pot. It looks like an aladdin's lamp, and you pour saline up one nostril and it comes out the other cleaning your sinuses. It speeds the cold process up enormously. Zicam also works wonders as well. It comes in about 10 different forms depending on what you like.
Take over the counter decongestants with tylenol or advil. Drink lots of fluids. For sore throat try warm tea/honey or lozenges. Taking hot showers helps relieve sinus congestions. Also try taking Airborne- its a wafer youcan get anywhere that is supposed to reduce your recovery time
orange juice.
maybe green tea.
Zicam %26 Airborne are little miracles but they must be taken at the onset. It's too late for that now. Just treat the symptoms. That's about all you can do until (Which is it? Cold or flu?) the virus runs its course.

Any cures for a milia, short of a shot?

I've had this white dot in the center of my forehead for a few years now, and my dermatologist said that it was a milia, and that he could get rid of it by giving me a shot, but that it would leave a scar.Obviously, I opted to keep the milia and ditch the scar.Is there anything I can do to get it to go away naturally?Further information:
It is a small, white dot with a brown speck on the edge that looks like a whitehead but is not one. It doesn't itch, hurt, go away, or anything like that. Its just a little dormant dot on my face that happens to look like a third eye! I'll be fine if I have to live with it, but Its kind of embarassing, so answers are definitely appreciated!
i have a lot of them on my cheek. However, the only way to get rid of them is to ask a derma to squeeze them out. It depends how big is yours but most likely it will leave a small dark scar. On the other hand, if you are getting peels the marks should fade away.
There is no cure but yocould use Cosmetics to blend it in to your skin colour

Any cure for keloids?

i have keloids at the back and in my chest... it might be because of the pimples... i didnt have this before.. and now, i can wear off-shoulders because of the keloid.. the size is small but its many... how can i cure this?
A keloid can't be totally removed but the appearance of it can be improved dramatically in most cases. You could try mederma since you say this is small. Mederma can be purchased at any drug store; however, usually a dermatologist is needed. Treatments include:
cortisone injections
laser treatment
surgery followed with radiation

Most of the time, doctors will not do "regular" surgery just to remove the keloid; special specific surgery is required. The reason why is that the chances are good the keloid would just return. Keloids are extremely hard to treat. Please see a dermatologist to see what options are best for your skin type

Any comments on the 3 step Clearasil acne solution?

Does this stuff work? I don't want to waist my money on it but I think Clearasil is a good brand...so, tell me what you think.
Um I use to use it back int he day (about 10 years ago) it's pretty strong and it over dried my skin. Then I stared using Neutrogena and is it super good! I use the face wash twice a day, I use the night time treatment and their moisturizer every morning after I wash my face. I use the treatment mask once a week if I remember. Clinic has a pretty good line too but it's a little pricier.good luck

Any child out there with melanoma please read?

I am 15 and I was diagnosed with malenoma about 2 weeks ago. This was from a world-renowned hospital and they told me I needed surgery and a sentinel lymph node biopsy and we scheduled it very soon. My "malenoma" looked very serious and they basically told my parents I would definelty have to go on treatment afterward. Well turns out i dont even have malenoma and we didnt find this out from that same hopital either. We went to the childrens hospital in our area and they were educated in children enough to tell us I dont even have malenoma and I only have a spitznevus. Turns out the only reason the first hospital thought I had malenoma was becuase I had a shave biospy on my mole the first time I had it looked at which made it try to grow back faster and when I went and got it removed a second time they called it cancer because of the high mitosis level. So pleassee any child that has been recenlty diagnosed wiht malenoma cancer i am telling you you have to get a second opinion.
This seems more a matter of a difference between pediatric and adult oncology. Pediatric oncology is more skilled at childhood cancers than adult oncologists . . childhood cancer is different and needs to be treated differently. I am glad that your parents took you to a pediatric oncologist, as that is the group where you belonged. My son is also treated by pediatric oncologists . . because his disease is known within that field and they have more information. Adults with the same disease often fare poorly because an adult oncologist does not have the same information or network. There appears to be an unfortunate divide between the two specialities, especially when it comes to the treatment of teenagers and young adults.Great information. Thanks.
This seems like a case on that show "Mystery diagnosis". you should watch it. You could be in grave danger, or it could just be a simple mistake.
I just went thru the same surgery - I had 2 different opinions from 2 different surgeons / cancer center in 2 different states. I'm glad you did not have to go thru with the surgery. What is spitznevus??
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