Saturday, October 31, 2009

Annoying bloody mucus in nose?

For a while now, mucus in my nose has been drying up and and getting joined with small clots of blood(Like what you get after you've had a nosebleed)It's very annoying and it also hurts. Does anybody know what this could be and what I can do to prevent it?Right now, we're in the middle of winter here and it's very cold.
not enough moisture in the air
My guess would be low humidity. I find the same thing happening to me once humidity drops below 60%.Humidity is commonly at its lowest in winter, especially with central heating lowering humidity further. I often see humidity as low as 15% in winter.An air humidifier helps me quite a bit.
get a humidifier,and use a saline nose spray-its lack of humidity in the winter air.
stop picking your nose

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